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Featured Articles for Solar 101


House with green lawn and home solar power

Why Go Solar?

Is home solar power a good match for you and your house? Let’s find out: What’s your roof like? How much sunshine does your home get? What’s your monthly electricity bill? What can you spend on installing home solar power upfront? And of course… on this big planet, do you think that just one household switching to “clean energy” can really make a difference?

Stacks of coins growing green sprouts demonstrating home solar costs payback

Solar Costs

Do you wonder if the upfront cost of home solar installation is a good investment? Let’s look at your potential solar savings and some advice on how to lower the upfront price tag. Home solar costs drop over time, so once you install you’re in a great position for solar savings as a homeowner.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory logo

Home Solar Installation Costs

A federal study shows that buying your solar installation from a smaller company can cut your home solar cost by twenty-one cents per watt. Let’s look at some numbers and see what this means for you as a homeowner. Is it really that simple to save money? Here’s some solid solar advice about getting the best installation quote: choose a small but experienced solar installer. How else can you make the money side work?


Net metering for home solar power

Net Metering

Did you know you might be able to bank your home solar power from the sunniest days? Not all homeowners can do this, but it’s called “net metering.” By banking your extra solar power as credits for a cloudy day or a long winter, you can cut your energy bills year-round. It’s one of the best ways to keep home solar costs low.